ID: Predictable hysteria when three registered sex offenders are given permission to drop off and pick up their own children

Source: 9/19/23

The Cassia County School District amended a 15-year-old board policy over the summer to create a ‘community’ committee with an eye on opening its governing process to parents, among others. It didn’t last the summer, and here’s why.

The Cassia County School District, following a 15-year-old board policy and Idaho Code, voted last month to approve applications from three registered sex offenders who requested permission to drop off and pick up their own children, and attend academic conferences and extracurricular activities involving their own children.
It’s a process that has played out for years without making the news — until now.
A summertime amendment to the policy aimed at transparency that created a “committee of community members to assist in reviewing and making recommendations for approval or denial of each application,” according to the district, spectacularly backfired, leading to multiple contentious meetings in August, a flurry of backlash and accusations on social media, and even threats of recall against the elected members of the board.

The school district also reserves the right to change requirements or revoke approval to enter school property at any time.”
That isn’t enough for the parents and other school stakeholders who took to social media to vent their frustrations — including Kyrie Riley and Kade Craner, who were among the members of the community committee that pushed the district to reject all three applications. They appeared on a Facebook video channel called “Shane Talks Politics” with a host who displays anti-Democratic Party memes, pictures and comments, Bible verses and appeals for Christianity, and anti-transgender and LGBTQ+ content on his page.

She added, “The end. You wouldn’t have to come up with special privileges, you wouldn’t have to come up with special, oh, like you can be on school grounds if you have a chaperone. There would be nothing. It would be just, ‘Hey, the answer is no. See the beginning of the law.’”

The nearly 150 comments largely piled on the school board, with some commenters incorrectly arguing the registered sex offenders had lost their parental rights by being convicted of a crime and others dragging religion into the conversation.
“They gave up the right when they committed the act. NO!! They don’t belong there!! Our kids need to be safe!!” one commenter wrote.

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I am sure the arguement be much different when those parents find themselves on the registry

This just proves the registry is nothing but a “TRAP” if A person forced to register is a single parent how will he/she enroll their kids into school without being arrested, Second if a person forced to register doesn’t enroll their kids in school he/she also could be arrested and have their children taken away by CPS.
Back in the early 2000s a registrat was allowed to be on school campus if they had a legitimate reason or anything pertaining their child’s education.
California made 626.81pc a registry requirement around 2013, As a parent I literally had no idea it even existed until about two years ago when I was going over all the new registry requirements, they added since 2000.
If you’re on the registry and have kids be careful when attending school activities, parent teachers conferences, and picking up and dropping off your kids, Because all it takes is one nosy Karen and ur off to Pelican Bay State prison.

I know a member of our peculiar fraternity who simply ignored a similar law in California when meeting with his son’s teachers, taking him to school, or picking him up at school. He knew about the law but simply ignored it, believe it to be utterly ridiculous when applied to a parent going to a school who had legitimate business there. He never got caught and he’s now off the registry so it’s a moot point now.

It’s no surprise that Christian hypocrites dragged their faith into the discussion on social media in the Idaho case. Perhaps if these people actually read the Gospel in their Bibles instead of just thumping them they might actually learn something about treating all people with love, compassion, and understanding just as Jesus would have them do. There is something that Mark Twain once wrote in one of his notebooks that has stayed with me and speaks to this hypocrisy: “If Christ were here there is one thing he would not be—a Christian.”

While the hysterical parents are freaking over three Registrants they are blissfully unaware of the hidden sexual predators under their noses – like teachers, coaches, police, etc. Who knew the Registry would turn out to be such a form of misdirection for public awareness?

Odd question….why is there no pack of angry villagers outside my home trying to drive me away with pitchfork and torches? Perhaps because the vast majority of the villages don’t care that I live here?

I am more and more convinced that Karen and Darren are the only villagers that actually support this pogrom. However, they get what they want, not through the support of the majority, but simply by being the only voice from the masses?

Real world example of how this works: For the last 30+ years the numbers have remained….
20% in favor
20% opposed
60% Indifferent

and that’s how the ban on same sex marriage was maintained for decades…because 20% of the nation demanded it be maintained…and 80% did little to nothing to oppose this demand. 60% didn’t care about it, and few in the remaining 20% who opposed the ban were not willing to make this a critical deciding factor on who to vote for. Thus the tyranny of the minority got what they wanted by being the only ones that cared enough about this to impact their voting choices.

The RSO pogrom is the same? K&D get to dictate for the nation because they are willing to cry wolf endlessly….and threaten to withhold their political support from anyone that doesn’t respond correctly?

Possible this whole thing is really a tyranny of the Minority that is just ignored by an indifferent majority?

I would not trust my kids being around the people that are against the parents that are on the registry. The fact is the people complaining want even sex offenders kids to go against there own parents. Evil

The faculty, staff and the kids themselves are the greater danger than the PFR parent of another kid. Indeed, these “children” kill one another with total impunity.

This story breaks my heart. That they were (spoiler alert) released to their parents with no jail time, is beyond infuriating.

Oh, how the hate spews out of people who consider themselves religious, when they hear anything to do with sex.

Just goes to show, when you go through the proper channels and try to do the right thing, you get punished for it!

NO, we’re going to disallow that because…. “concerned parents and liability issues” blah, blah blah..

The hate and ignorance is so predictable it’s become boring.

Being labeled a “sex offender” has become so punitive that it should be considered a disability.

Such a beautiful state being destroyed by those who live within it that have such ignorance and hatred they cannot see the forest through the trees.

Those of us that are… [people forced to register] know full well that at least one of those outraged parents gets up in the middle of the night, walks down the hallway of her own home and “helps” her son get to sleep at night…. She will be the loudest against sex offenders, she will propose the harshest of rules. I know her, you know her. If you have been in group therapy, you have met her.